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ISBN: 0788004433
Pages: ???
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Price: $99.99
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8 Caught In The Acts First Lesson Sermons For Lent and Easter, Cycle A G. Edward Whetstone This book provides sermons for Lent and Easter based on the First Readings. 99.99 04433 0788004433 ??? 5.5 x 8.5 0788004433s.jpg CycleC.jpg 1 0.31 CSS Publishing 40 0 Sermons Lectionary/Lent-Easter 1
22 Visions Of Lent (Year 3) Lenten Congregational Resources Betty Lynn Schwab This book provides resources for the Sundays in Lent and Palm Sunday, including: choral readings, bulletin inserts, and a worship service for Palm Sunday. 99.99 02279 0788002279 51 5.5 x 8.5 0788002279s.jpg 0788002279L.jpg 1 0.31 CSS Publishing 40 0 Worship Lent/Easter Lent, Easter, Palm, Passion, Dialogue, Worship Service, Torah, 1
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